Florist on Fleek


Dreaming about warmer climates this week has got me scouring the web in search for a T-shirt worthy of my bouquet guns- pow, pow. Here are my top four contenders in budget order- cheapest first obviously, being from Yorkshire.

Photos by Beasleys Casual Clothing

These hand screen printed T-shirts are from a shop in my home town, Hull. Beasley’s always have an amazing range of T-shirts designed by local artists and designers, this one particularly caught my eye as it is a cross section of a flower from a 1960’s biology book. Beasley’s has become, over the years, synonymous with Hull’s indie scene, there isn’t a true hipster without one. Especially, down at Hull’s venues such as Fruit and Adelphi Club- where Pulp and Oasis have been on stage.  It is a steal at £14, you can check more of their products out on their instagram page. In fact, my bias towards the place implores that you do!

Photos by Good Day Club

Similar to Beasley’s, Good Day Club, based in Brighton, are a creative platform that screen print a range of illustrative clothing. The combination of hands holding entwined roses in this design, along with the simplicity of the line work creates a striking image that is worthy of a florist uniform. Once again, the minimalism in the print so far are not only appealing to the florist side of me, but the illustrator too. This design, coming in at £25 is always worth checking out.

Photos by Fjura

In my previous post I mentioned Fjura and no surprise they’ve made it in to this one too!  I discovered Fjura (Simone Gooch) only a few months and I’m totally smitten with her floral designs. Fjura have brought out a few different T-shirt designs and I’m in love with this one. It’s a printed image of one of Fjura’s designs on 100% organic cotton material. It would just be amazing to walk around wearing a T-shirt you could look down at to inspire you throughout your day.  Fjura have a couple of T-shirt designs at £40 each on a big cartel webshop, but you can see some of their varied floral designs once again at the link above.

Photos by Slime Co.

My final find is this very dark humoured hoody by Slime Co. Slime Co is a creative clothing company based in New York run by designer Simon Abranowicz and Drew Shoup. I thoroughly enjoy this quirky illustration of life growing out of a cigarette packet, exclaiming ‘indecision kills’, very clever. With it being a hoody it would probably be more appropriate at the florist in Sheffield at the moment, as we are ankle deep in snow! This piece is about £40 and you can find it amongst some other pretty cool designs on their website above.